
INSTITUTE IPS is a leading Slovenian company in consultancy and technical assistance for public administration reform and EU integration processes. Applying cutting edge knowledge, methodologies and practical solutions, we provide high quality services with measurable results. IPS’s priority is to ensure satisfaction of the beneficiaries who seek for practical and goal oriented solutions. This approach proved to be successful during the past ten years as we managed to implement numerous complex projects in cooperation with our partners.

INSTITUTE IPS follows three complementary approaches in order to reach its main mission: consultancy, organizational and functional restructuring, and training. Our projects – during past ten years – covered wide scope of substantive targets, although we concentrate our efforts first of all to the public administration reform projects in the Balkan region.

Constantly expanding, IPS has carried out numerous project activities especially in the Balkans and the Caucasus region, with an ambition to expand our activities also to other parts of the world.


We are constantly looking for new experts from the following professional fields: Public Administration, Human Resources Management, Information Society, E-Government and e-Administration, Data Protection, EU Integrations, Anti-corruption, Customs and Taxation, Environment, Structural Funds, IPA Funds and Procedures, NGO’s and Civil Society, Quality Management, Social Sector Functional review, General Administrative Procedure, Employment and Social Dialogue  Democracy and Fundamental Rights, Criminal Justice, Parliament and Parliamentary Controls, Financial Management and Financial Controls, Decentralized Financial Implementation System.

In case you are interested to join us for different project opportunities, please feel free to contact us and to send us your updated CV (info@ips-institute.si).